"I was never idle enought to do much thinking, but i felt somehow that my instincts were right....At the same time, I shared a dark suspicion that the life we were leading was a lost cause, that we were all actors, kidding ourselves along on a senseless odyssey. It was was the tension between these two poles---a restless idealism on one hand and a sense of impending doom on the other--that kept me going." (5)
I also love the cool breeze after a hot day.
I love white wine lately. It cuts the heat like an ice cube on the back of your neck.
I love random encounters and random friends.
I love random poems and random opportunities.
I love body theology and the opportunities to understand what that means.
I love these beautiful men that help me through my day to day even though they don't need to but they do because of a word and action called love:
Even though these boys are basically taken I am grateful for their friendship and support.
I miss my best friends Wendy and Erica. I miss my family but through it all I have still soft moments that breathe truth on me on a daily basis. I am still actively tired on a regular basis. I think last week and the week before wiped me dry. I need to save up and store. I love life and what it provides. Let us see what tomorrow brings.