This was the show that would make me stop dead in the tracks and sit and watch. There was something about the Muppets that have always intrigued me. I think they act like humans but they are not they are puppets.

There was a lot of significance to the beauty of my childhood when I touched the doll. I automatically tucked it under my armpit and walked down the stairs to tell my parents what I had found upstairs. It was automatic response and all I wanted to do was hug it. It's funny that this was my response because I hate stuffed animals. I never really liked them as a kid but when it comes to Fraggle Rock the aversion is subsided and a full embrace is encountered.
Today my sister came over to my parents house and my mom forgot that she had bought us a birthday present and came down with a gift. The Red doll. This was my sisters favorite character. She loved it and if memory serves me correctly we had the doll as well as Gobo. I believe we wouldn't let them go. Somehwere along the line we lost the dolls, as sad is that is to say. My dad says it was lost in the flood, an accident of water gushing into our basement for a week when we had left for vacation to the East Coast.

I love this show. The dolls came with a DVD with two episodes. I am a little aprehensive to watch them since I know there are a lot of other things I loved as a child that coming back to it as an adult lost some of it's magic...I don't want that to happen. Yet I am sure there is some magic to the muppets of Fraggle Rock. There are probably messages that are so engrained in me that I missed them but probably (like everything else that I loved) had some sort of message of about love, consumerism, or the effects of being mean. I mean there were Doozers for goodness sakes that would work and work and work and then the Fraggles would come in and eat their work. That has to symbolize SOMETHING! right?
down at fraggle rock CLAP CLAP
I didn't realize how much I missed fraggle rock until this evening.
Hi Amy!
I stumbled across your blog the other day..its been good to catch up with what is going on in your life : )
I miss you! But it seems like you are doing pretty well. Email me sara at heartministrycenter dot com
I'd love to tell you about my life and catch up a little better on yours!
Sara (Joy Johnson) Hohnstein
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