Saturday, April 28, 2007

the death of modernism

I am attempting to get through The Death of Modernism by the cultural theorist Raymond Wiliams as I sit on my big chair trying to avoid the annoying loud children as they play in plastic pools to try to stay cool on this hot day. Instead of hearing their yells and screams I have attempted to drown these kids out by listening to Miles Davis and drinking a cold Bass ale. I never thought I would get to this point where I would become a person who would listen to Miles and read theory. It seems so over the top, smart.....

I know that I have a lot more to go to become an intellectual but from a picture-esque view it would look like today that I am already there. Sometimes it just seems pathetic but I know this is right where I need to be. I can never go back....I can never go back and not understand something that just a few years ago I thought was just to complex. Don't get me wrong I enjoy that I can understand Williams (though not all of it).

I guess this is what happens when you are a year away from finishing grad school....

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