Tuesday, March 24, 2009


It has been quite some time that I blogged or had the urge to blog.
I think that was a good thing. A good idea indeed.

I have new thoughts again.
When the snow was falling so was my heart.
It needed to hybernate and keep warm.
It was studying, reading, seeing with eyes that were broken and tired.

Resting and hiding seemed like the best idea.
Change is imperative.

I would like to start with writing about the cultural adventures I have taken.
Some in sound and some in film
Some about the heart
and others about art.

Life is for the taking and ready to reach my hand out and work for it.
and so i begin.

taking the cobwebs from the corners...

1 comment:

Mrs. Benton said...

Friend I give you a broom and I'll come help if you want it :o)

Love you!