With my back being sore, hurt, and for a day and half not really able to move I had quite a lot of time to watch some movies. Most of them fantastic a couple glad I watched but not worth mentioning. I won't go into huge diatribes but I thought some of these had a few sentences worth of a high five.
Rachel Getting Married
Fantastic film about addiction, recovery, and family dynamics. I think Anne Hathaway is fantastic and I think it's a great film to discuss personal dynamics as they link with our family and coping choices. Good. Great.
Illustrated story about the civil war of Taran, Iran and a young girls development alongside this tragedy. It's a search for freedom and self. It's a beautiful story with even more beautiful artwork. It was good film to understand the national identity of a country I didn't really know much about.
King Corn
FANTASTIC documentary about the use of Iowa corn. Did you know that you can't eat the corn that 95% of Iowa farmers grow? I had no clue. Did you know that most of what we eat is corn? Fabulous film showing the movement of nutritional to feed corn/high fructose corn syrup. I think it was a smart story to share how our culture and way of life is changing.
I Like Killing Flies
MY FAVORITE from the day. It is a crazy story of the owner of a dive restaurant in New York. He asks the most fantastic questions about the meaning of life as well as living it within a community like space. You have to watch it to believe it!! Fabulous.
Conversation(s) With Other Women
Another interesting conversation on love and loss. Shot and edited with a split story...connecting together the past with the present AND what could have been with what actually has. It is smart, funny, and breathtakingly simple. I could watch this one a few times and think I could still find something new.
The King of Kong
Amazingly geeky film. I loved it for that reason. I love when people get passionate and psyched on something that has meaning to a very small group of people. Fantastic. This small business man seeks to break the record of the 1985 world champion of Donkey Kong. When you are good you are good. No questions asked. Awesome.
I had a great movie watching experience. You should let me know if you have seen any of these and some thoughts!
This is one hell of a list! I haven't seen Conversation(s) With Other Women and King Corn, but everything else is definitely in my top ten of movies I saw last year.
I can't believe you saw I Like Killing Flies! I've been to the new Shopsins several times. They really do have like a hundred soups on the menu on any given day. Danielle asked the son what was good. His response: I'm not your fucking mother. Their sassiness is maybe a little gimmicky, but the food is great It reminds me a bit of Golden Harvest, actually. And they're right next to the best cheese counter in the city. Not mine, in case you're wondering.
I also loved Rachel Getting Married and The King of Kong.
Oh and I'm sorry to hear your back is out. That sounds pretty crappy. Get well soon.
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