This years birthday consisted of cake with blue icing, Transformers plates, Pirate bars, 80s music, friends, friends, pizza, and more friends. It was a very good birthday. One that reminded me that grace is better than anger and love is better than hate. I was reminded over and over that my life has moved forward and that I am not the person I used to be. Often times I didn't choose where I was at in my life but I love that I am past the early twenties. I believe a couple of weeks ago i mentioned that I would have rather do middle school over again than try to recreate those early twenties. That were not easy but they were so important. I now recognize that beauty needs pain.

This birthday was important because i realized where i am have been and where I am excited about going. I know that the patterns that are in my life are those that I have set myself. I am ready to break those patterns and try something new. I know that I move a lot and so I see patterns changing form but not changing entirely. I am ready to break it down and apart. Moving on and moving forward.
I love that as I think about my birthday and turning 26 I still have a kid like attitude. I love that it was Transformers and Pirates. It was no longer Strawberry Shortcake, Unicorns, or ice cream cake. I think it's funny that I like the fact that I am growing up but I never want to let go of that strange innocence that makes us children. The hurt and the pain will come and go and good times as well. That's life i guess.

Let's see where the year takes me. i made two wishes. I hope one of them comes true....
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