I still feel boring though.
I have on a shirt I bought in 2002.
I usually maneuaver in a three block radius.
I haven't bought anything other than food since Christmas.
I haven't gone to a show since.....I don't even remember.
I haven't seen a movie in a month.
I need my hair cut.
I don't think this is complaining but a realization I need to get a move on with trying new things and not being afraid of the unknown. Moving in patterns of recognition is safe and maybe this is the calm before the storm but it makes me restless. But I keep laughing and making weird noises and sporadic movements. Kind of like the scene in Garden State when Natalie Portman does the finger-noise thing in her bedroom, that thing she does when she feels unoriginal.
Here's to hoping for new beginnings.
Here is to so much more.
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