I was trying to connect the relevance of this conversation with what is happening in today's marketplace as well as the highly anticipated elections. How does a new way, or change, come into our national economic plan? How do we take a capitalist society and make meaning with how we consume. Money and goods seemed to be a high talked about topic on Monday's State of the Union Address. Bush has allowed Americans to receive a tax break so we can buy more goods from the stamp of the USA. The problem is my clothing all has names like Malawi, China, or El Salvador. Where I am sure that they were most likely not paid same wages as Americans and Corporate Business Men will probably drive their BMW to work because I bought a pair of pants from their company.
I know that Marxism was idealistic and the beauty of unity and moving to a classless society seems valuable and something that was desirable within our nation state. I believe that Americans need to find new identity and meaning with how we purchase, what we purchase, how we work, and ultimately give meaning. What can we continue to learn from Marx? What went right? Where can we learn from the mistakes?
Hey Amy,
I commented on your blog - thanks for your good thoughts! Jim C.
Marxism/communism and all of that is interesting, but I think more interesting is how much our country denounces such ethos but then our entire economic system is based off what the communist countries are able to produce through exploitive labor and practices. We reside in a country known for prosperity yet we wouldn't have it if we couldn't benefit from the same thing our leaders denounce.
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