Monday, February 11, 2008

Reaction to the Anthropological Model

Today's class was interesting but I am not a huge fan of group work. I like the Anthropological method and I think it is useful because it creates conversation rather inserting your beliefs into someone elses culture. It helps us to sit back and realize that we can make meaning with anything in our culture. Talking and integrating coffee, football, and the environment really hits on how many different Americans and Western culture. It helps me to know and recognize that we can create meaning out of our past times and hobbies.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And without a powerpoint! Seriously though, if I could go back I would have picked the coffee-shop subculture you guys did instead.

Do you work at the corporate coffee-shop or the local business now? You didn't say during your presentation.

I wanted to comment during your presentation when you mentioned being able to express your individuality as a Barista... specifically how you can't show multiple piercings and/or tattoos while working for a large coffee corporation named Star*ucks. Individuality apparently doesn't sell coffee.