The new quarter began and it should be a great last quarter. I am a bit nervous about graduating but I know that I will be fine and I will be at the places I need to be. Last week I took a lot of time for myself and processed through life and it all happened with the help of my itunes. I love my itunes and i love my music. I am a bit enamored with it all, I won't lie.
The records that have been stealing my ears have been:
Bon Iver The record is called:
For Emma, Forever Ago. is simply beautiful. Simple. Elegant. It's as if the singer from TV on the Radio sang instead of Nick Drake. I have read the comparisons to Iron and Wine but I don't hear it....Anyway....There is a bit of struggle for meaning and hope but in there you can feel the process. All the music was done by this man and it's good and sharp, wise, and simple. The music itself has been on repeat and a lot of it has found my staring into space and I unconciously let the sound seep into my soul. Here is an excerpt I found:
“Bon Iver (pronounced: bohn eevair; French for “good winter” and spelled wrong on purpose) is a greeting, a celebration and a sentiment. […]
“It wasn’t planned. The goal was to hibernate. Vernon moved to a remote cabin in the woods of Northwestern Wisconsin at the onset of winter. He lived there alone for three months, filling his days with wood splitting and other chores around the land. This solitary time slowly began feeding a bold, uninhibited new musical focus. The days slowly evolved into nights filled with twelve-hour recording blocks, breaking only for trips on the tractor into the pines to saw and haul firewood, or for frozen sunrises high up a deer stand. All of his personal trouble, lack of perspective, heartache, longing, love, loss and guilt that had been stock piled over the course of the past six years, was suddenly purged into the form of song.”

I found the newer Ray LaMontagne,
Till the Sun Turns Black. I might like Trouble a bit more but the opening track is entitle "Be Here Now". There are piano, strings, a bearded man singing his smokey voiced tunes. It's beautiful and elegant. There is a maturity in the idea of relationships in this one and the music is simply beautiful. He brings elegance and grace and the desire to find the man (or woman) to nuzzle yourself into...
The Avett Brothers have stole my heart. My friend Travis and I went and partook in their goodness Sunday night. The show was high energy from beginning to end. They have a way about them that had me recognize the value of the past and the need to still create something that is new and fresh. Beautifully done. Lyrically catchy. Heart wrenching at some places and fun in the next moments. I was blown away at their musical instrument versatility. I am glad that great americana/folk is still being made and honoring the tradition that was before. The record:
Emotionalism is worth every moment listened...

I also encountered
Rosie Thomas on Saturday night. OH MY she makes me smile. I had the chance/opportunity to chat with her briefly after the show and yet again realized we need to be friends. Her and I click and she gave me some amazing advice on being patient for love and that it will find me when the timing is right and when the right man sees my quirks as beautiful rather than annoying. She is getting married in August and it was lovely to here her gush on and on about the beauty of the love she found as well as the process of getting there. You can tell she really is in love and it is making her even MORE adorable on stage (if that is even possible).
I love love love love love when you write about music.
"Until the Sun Turns Black" was the soundtrack for my leaving ministry. I used to sit in my car in the church parking lot late at night smoking cigarettes and listening to that record on repeat.
"Well I looked my demons in the eye said do your best to destroy me... It seems I've been to hell and back so many times to tell the truth you kinda bore me..."
my my my, my my my my...
this is probably my favorite part:
"There are piano, strings, a bearded man singing his smokey voiced tunes."
and, well. rosie. *heart*
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