Somewhere along the way I thought life was supposed to be easy. Now I just realize it is just supposed to be beautiful and when I say beautiful I don't mean our Western expectations of beauty. Lately I have found beauty in the garbage, in the uncomfortable moments. Where I once had fear it is no longer there. Where I was was timid I now open my mouth. I know what I want. It has taken a long time to get there but it nice that in this moment of time there seems to be some sort of direction without a plan of how to get there. It's funny how life moves and where it moves you to.
Life is really what you make it to be. Lately it's because I can't get away from the sounds that ooze from life. Music has been my place of solace and rest. A soundtrack that makes some days that could feel so dead feel so alive...I hope my life is never devoid of music and the place that it exists in my life. I don't think I can ever get enough...
It's funny the song that is playing at the moment is Over the Rhine and Karen reminds us....
I was born to laugh
I learned to laugh through my tears
I was born to love
I'm gonna learn to love without fear
and that's what I will try to do....
I love you, you beautiful specimen of womanhood.
oh amen. amen.
(ps. it's like a book elegantly bound, but in a language you can't read...... just yet. oh ben you kill me.)
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