My friend Carissa posted a comment in my blog the other day about the fact that I mentioned a bearded man in my previous blog post (Ray LaMontagne). I thought it was time that I make a confession about my love about the beard. It's an odd fact or really obsession that I have about the opposite gender. I find the beard endearing and something that many men take as the road less travelled. It seems like it could be considered a faux pax in Western culture. I poo the pax and highly celebrate and encourage the use and growth of the beard.
I don't know why I have this obsession. No one in my immediate family ever had a beard so it is not a sense memory but it has grown into a vision of something adorable to me. The beard holds a sense of the alternative, like I said, the road less traveled. The beard seems to me something that accents a personality or an attempt to scoff at high culture desires of cleanliness. There is a hint of adventure with the beard. Something like a mystery worth being solved. I will see men on a regular basis and think to myself, there cute...why? I realize he had a beard. I am a sucker.

The beard is a lovely addition to any man. Even scruff is allowed. I always mourn a bit when March comes along. Mustache March is something that the Fuller community men lovingly participate in. I am grateful for February and that the beard is grown in anticipation for the Mustache to take full effect, almost pride. When March 1 comes I mourn a little for the loss of facial hair but the stache still makes my little heart smile and there is a chuckle or two because it's hilarious.
I value and honor the facial hair known as the beard. Men don't fear about the use of facial hair.....you have a friend in me.
mmmmm...yes, i too, love the beard. i am a sucker for the facial hair.
mmhmmm... even chin stubble, and the sound it makes when you scratch up against it. mmmm...
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